Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
For Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Lesack, R., Bearss, K., Celano, M., & Sharp, W. G. (2014). Parent–Child Interaction Therapy and autism spectrum disorder: Adaptations with a child with severe developmental delays. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 2(1), 68. doi:10.1037/cpp0000047
Armstrong, K., DeLoatche, K. J., Preece, K. K., & Agazzi, H. (2015). Combining Parent–Child Interaction Therapy and Visual Supports for the Treatment of Challenging Behavior in a Child With Autism and Intellectual Disabilities and Comorbid Epilepsy. Clinical Case Studies, 14(1), 3-14. doi:10.1177/1534650114531451
Hatamzadeh, A., Pouretemad, H., Hassanabadi, H., (2010). The effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for children with high-functioning autism. Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 994-997. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.224
Masse, J.J., McNeil, C.B., Wagner, S.M., & Chorney, D.B. (2008). Parent-child interaction therapy and high functioning autism: A conceptual overview. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 4, 714-735.
Solomon, Marjorie; Ono, Michele; Timmer, Susan; Goodlin-Jones, Beth. (2008) The effectiveness of parent--child interaction therapy for families of children on the autism spectrum. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(9) ,1767-1776retreived from:
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